In the woods and over the sea: celebrities even more often bequeath to dispel the ashes
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685 400 true to online newspaper "" 1 5 4.7 96 info@dni %2B7 (((((495) 530-13-13 LLC "DNI.RU" 235 35 Kuraev Andrey roughly was indignant in due time with desire of known people to be dispelled downwind after death. "I do not understand why, not sprosyas me, over my head someone's ashes disseminate, – the deacon was surprised. – It, frankly speaking, at all is not pleasant to me: to look at the sky, from where someone's ashes falls in eyes. Even from planes already ceased to dump, it seems, activity waste, and in a tank carry to a final point and there give to the nightman". But celebrities all the same continue to insist on that...