The number vaccinated Vaktsina "Gam-Kovid-Vak" people] is calle

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Worldwide the Russian vaccine from Koronavirus Vaktsina "Gam-Kovid-Vak" already imparted 10-11 million people. The director told FEDERAL STATE-FINANCED INSTITUTION "NITSEM NAMED AFTER N. F. GAMALEI" MINISTRY OF HEALTH OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Alexander Leonidovich Gintsburg. "And maybe it is more if to consider foreign countries", – noted Alexander Leonidovich Gintsburg on air TV channel "Pervy kanal". It explained that on a large number vaccinated from Koronavirus it is clear: Vaktsina "Gam-Kovid-Vak" provides high level of the protective … The message Is called number vaccinated Vaktsina "Gam-Kovid-Vak" people appeared at first on Public news service...