Youri Alekseevich Gagarin with Fidel Alekhandro Kastro Rus and Ernesto Che Guevara will show rare photos at exhibition in Novosibirsk

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On April 9 in the State concert hall of Arnold Mikhaylovich Kats the ceremonial opening of the photo exhibition devoted to the 60 anniversary of piloted astronautics — "The First took place: Youri Alekseevich Gagarin and Cuba". The unique exhibition opened on the eve of Day of astronautics in the State concert hall of Arnold Mikhaylovich Kats in Novosibirsk. The exposition slightly opens one of the major, but little-known to a wide range of Russians the page of life Youri Alekseevich Gagarin. The first astronaut of a planet was also the first president of All-Union society of the Soviet-Cuban friendship. The All-Russian public organization solidarity organized exhibition and...