Residents of Kursk took part in the All-Russian action "10 000 steps to life"

@GTRK "Kursk"
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The way to health should be passed on foot. And here how many specifically steps in day? The answer to this question is known precisely by participants of the All-Russian action "10 000 steps to life". Active residents of Kursk participated in an action also. For Muravyev Victor ten thousand steps – trifles. Every morning it begins with jog. Admits, as the today's rain in any way did not frighten it. On the contrary, cool weather best of all is suitable for sports activities. Muravyev Victor , participant of the action (Mercury club): "- I run, seven – ten, I run, and to pass is a nonsense. It so, sunflower seeds. - How many circles already passed? Two, it is necessary still...
Muravyev Victor
Chernikov Sergei
Liznev Victor