Bank "East" the former deputy chairman of board will head PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "SOVKOMBANK" Kirill Sokolov

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Moscow. April 7. information agency "Interfaks" - Bank "East" since April 8 the former deputy chairman of board will head PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "SOVKOMBANK" Kirill Sokolov. Such decision was made by board of directors "East", this credit organization reported. Powers of the deputy of preboard banks Svetlana Trukhanovich are stopped. Candidate Kirill Sokolov on a post of preboard "East" the other day was coordinated by Central bank Russian Federation (Bank Russia). PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "SOVKOMBANK" Finvizhn declared on March 25 banks purchase equity stakes "East" at funds JSC "Bering Vostok", companies "holdings" and Yusupov Sherzod ". East" more than two years were endured by the corporate conflict of two largest shareholders...