Will Leonid Potapov: "For Republic of Buryatia the program of federal level"] is necessar

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The BNTs bulletin published the last lifetime article of the first president Republic of Buryatia Leonid Potapov, died from Koronavirus on November 12, 2020. In article written in a co-authorship with the chief researcher of department of regional economy of BNTS HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY REGIONAL REAL ESTATE AGENCY by Dondokov Zorikto, will criticize a course of realization of strategy of social and economic developments Republic of Buryatia during the different periods. Accepted in December, 2007 "Strategy the SIR of Belarus till 2025" set as the purpose to provide quality of life of citizens Republic of Buryatia not below average Russian on the basis of sustained economic growth with an exit to the financial...
Leonid Potapov
Main activity:Scientist
Dondokov Zorikto
Vyacheslav Nagovitsyn
Government respubliki
Government Agency
Narodny Khural
Government Agency