The former president of "Torpedo" commented on Sergei Nikolaevich Ignashevich from club

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The former president of "Torpedo" Helena Yelentseva commented on news that the head coach of team Sergei Nikolaevich Ignashevich left club. The trainer in website "Instagram" thanked for work Helena Yelentseva and the owner of "Torpedo" Avdeev Roman at whom it and came to club. "It is very grateful to it for warm words both that experience and a way which was passed by us together. I consider that Sergei Nikolaevich Ignashevich — is very purposeful, ambitious and perspective trainer. It is always open to receiving new knowledge and experience. It always realizes it therefore his career will be successful. It would be desirable to wish success to Sergei Nikolaevich Ignashevich...
Helena Yelentseva
Main activity:Official
Avdeev Roman