Within The Coast where We Live project work on the edition of an audiodisk of songs of composers Altai Territory] comes to an en

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The list from 24 songs of 20 authors is created. Composers represent Barnaul, Biysk, Slavgorod, Novoaltaysk, Kamen-na-Obi, and also Pavlovsky rayon, Krasnogorsk district, Talmenka district, Kuriya district, Pervomaysky rayon, Tretiyakovo district. As the head of AKOO "Songs of Itkulsky Summer" Lakiza  Anna reports, the presentation of a disk will pass in Blagoveschensk district and Rodino district on April 10 and 11 the current year. Let's remind: LTD "ART ASSOCIATION COMPOSERS "PESNI ITKULSKOGO LETA" realizes The Coast where We Live project on means of a grant of the Governor Altai...