Inter-class espionage

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materials process in the matter of the former board member PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "INTER RAO" Karina Tsurkan Chapter PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "INTER RAO" are published forbade Karina Tsurkan to go to Transnistria because of possible arrest, and the deputy head of the Ministry of Energy allegedly dictated "confidential" data by phone to her subordinate. daily business newspaper "RBK daily" studied materials vessels over Karina Tsurkan on the case of espionage of daily business newspaper "RBK daily" studied a sentence in the matter of the former board member PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "INTER RAO" Karina Tsurkan, and also her indications on process. At the end of last year judge Suvorov Andrey sentenced Karina Tsurkan to 15 years of a colony on the case of espionage and turned 656 million rub belonging to it into the state income...