"Not to laughter": the actor Eugenie Petrosyants told theaters how almost died from koronavirusa

@Peterburgskij dnevnik
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The honored artist Russian Federation Mikhail Lvovich Smirnov regrets that the Art director LLC "Theater "BUFF", the actor and the director theaters Eugenie Petrosyants "A curve mirror", the honored artist Russian Federation Mikhail Lvovich Smirnov – the person fireworks, flashing, full of optimism and humour did not manage to take root. So it is habitually perceived by the audience. Just now "Right Cause" Party learned that only few months ago the actor was on the edge: reanimation, tsitokinovy storm and full uncertainty of a course of a disease even on the next few hours. Fever to 40 in a couple of hours Mikhail Lvovich Smirnov fell ill at the end of November – in the heat of the second wave, when with mass media...