Nord Stream 2: fears Ukraine get concrete outlines

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Against growth of probability of completion "Nord Stream — 2" fears Ukraine get more and more concrete outlines, the associate professor of the economic theory of FEDERAL STATE-FUNDED EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION FOREIGN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION "REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE ADMINISTRATION NAMED AFTER G. V. PLEKHANOVA", REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE ADMINISTRATION NAMED AFTER G. V. PLEKHANOVA Cherednichenko Oleg declared to the correspondent of information agency "REGNUM". "So, the former Minister of Economics Ukraine Vladimir Lanovoy estimated previously losses of the Ukrainian party in case of start of the second string of the Russian gas pipeline at $3 billion in in a year / This figure is real and correlates with earlier created calculations (at the end of 2019 when documents for prolongation of transit of the Russian gas were signed). Thus, according to its assessment...