To Nicaragua mass vaccination by Russian Vaktsina "Gam-Kovid-Vak"] starte

@IA Krasnaja Vesna
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The beginning of mass vaccination of the population from Koronavirus the Russian Vaktsina "Gam-Kovid-Vak" to Nicaragua, the vice-president of the country declared Rosario Murilyo Sambrana, on March 2 reported TeleSUR TV channel. According to the statement of the official, first of all the preparation will be received by patients with the heavy COVID-19 form Koronavirus. According to plans of the authorities, vaccination at first have to undergo persons suffering the chronic diseases, in particular having the diagnosis kidney insufficiency and undergoing hemodialysis procedure. From messages of local mass media, it is known that the first in Nicaragua the Russian vaccine was received 62-year-old Antonio Marco by Araus from Department of Masaya. It...