In Borisovka district Vladimir Fedorovich Kulikovsky] remembered the late docto

@Mir Belogor'ja
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In the fall of 2020 one of the most known residents of Belgorod, the doctor of medical sciences, professor, the honored doctor Russian Federation Vladimir Fedorovich Kulikovsky died. For Belgorod Region it is irreplaceable loss, and for the Belgorod medicine a name Vladimir Fedorovich Kulikovsky became nominal. On February 23 to it 71 years would be executed. Its way from the children's surgeon to the chief physician of regional hospitals which directed 11 years and brought her to the European level of rendering the medical care. Its is dear from mentoring to the management of medical institute to FGAOU IN "BELGORODSKY GOSUDARSTVENNY NATSIONALNY ISSLEDOVATELSKY UNIVERSITY", BELGOROD STATE NATIONAL RESEARCH UNIVERSITY, NIU "BELGU" who at it received the prompt...