Timofey Skatov conceded in the three-hour thriller to Martin Klizhan

@Delovoj Kazahstan
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Timofey Skatov finished performances on Forte Challenger 100. The 20-year-old Kazakhstan citizen in a dramatic, three-hour match conceded in a match of the first circle to the seventh racket of tournament to Martin Klizhan from Slovakia – 4:6, 6:4, 6:7 – FTK press service reports. The first set was written down in the asset by the Slovak tennis player. But the Kazakhstan citizen showed character and could join in fight in the following party: in the first game of the second set Martin Klizhan took giving of the rival and came forward, however, in the eighth game of Timofey Skatov from the third attempt realized a break point and evened the score. Lost finally a game thread the Slovak, became...