We will swing water from Sura to Sura. "Bottle neck" at congress from "the bridge of fools" will hang up on the following governor - opinion

@Penza Post
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"The bridge of fools" in Penza becomes a factor of political instability of board of operating provincial elite, risking to become an example of strange economic legal relationship of interested parties of team Yvan Aleksandrovich Belozertsev, "United Russia" Party in on the-lidinski version, the city hall and With with tasty corruption spirit as believe many. After all otgrokhat for billion in the depressive and endangered region within the BKAD Putin national project the construction which is not improving, and worsening habitat of residents of Penza - a crime for which at the time of Iosif sent to Kolyma. The essence of the scandalous project and problem is lower. With...