Powerful explosion in Vladikavkaz – all news

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On February 12 8:47 In Vladikavkaz in shop powerful explosion Powerful explosion thundered thundered in the morning on February 12 in Vladikavkaz in Magnit shop. This shopping center and Magnet Kosmetik household chemicals shop on Gagkayev Street are destroyed, is reported in State of Emergency / <29> Vladikavkaz group in a social network of social network "VKontakte". 8:47 Under shop blockages in Vladikavkaz there can be people To Republic of North Ossetia-Alania search works on an explosion place on Gagkayev Street in Vladikavkaz are conducted. By data Minzdrav, under blockages can be people, write daily social and political business newspaper "Izvestiya". 8:48 Cause of explosion while is unknown. Also there is no exact information about...