Soccer. Naumov Nikita about fans to Serbia: never saw that in 2.5 hours prior to a meeting stadium was already filled

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The beginner of Minsk "Dynamo" the defender Naumov Nikita in interview to "Pressbol's" correspondent Alexander Dobriyan remembered the period of performances for Novopolotsk "Naftan". "Naftan" always differed strong collective, even a lack of money with firmness transferred. And the hazing there was? No. The hazing consisted in that the young pumped up balls and brought in the field. For the rest the special difference was not — young you or more age, all supported each other. Sometimes, certainly that seniors "will stuff", but will approach later: pier, do not take offense, after all not from the evil, all on business that remembered better. And from whom it is more...
Naumov Nikita
Kovalevich Igor Nikolaevich
Gavrilovich Aleksey
Stadium "Dinamo"