Igor Akinfeev defended the master dissertation

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The goalkeeper of TSSKA Igor Akinfeev received degree of the master in the Management direction at RGU OF OIL AND GAS (NIU) NAMED AFTER I. M. GUBKINA; FGAOU VO "RGU NEFTI I GAZA (NIU) NAMED AFTER I. M. GUBKINA" ; GUBKIN CITY UNIVERSITY. "Today successfully there took place protection of the master thesis in an online format!  Thanks, RGU OF OIL AND GAS (NIU) NAMED AFTER I. M. GUBKINA; FGAOU VO "RGU NEFTI I GAZA (NIU) NAMED AFTER I. M. GUBKINA" ; GUBKIN CITY UNIVERSITY! It was unforgettable! 🔥💥", – Igor Akinfeev in website "Instagram" wrote. Igor Akinfeev arrived in RGU magistracy in 2018, having gained 78 points during entrance tests...
Igor Akinfeev
Last position: the professional athlete on soccer (JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "PFK TSSKA")