Prosecutor's office Ust-Kan district Altai Republic achieves elimination of violation of the legislation in the sphere of safety dorozhno

@Novosti prokuratury RF
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Prosecutor's office the area carried out an inspection activity LLC "Ust-Kanskoye road repair and construction department" regarding observance of the legislation about road safety. Owing to Art. 12 of Federal Law "About Safety Traffics" the duty on ensuring compliance of a condition of roads at their contents to the established technical regulations and other normative documents is assigned to the faces which are carrying out the maintenance of highways. In compliance of the item 5.2.4 state standard specification P 50597-2017 Carriageway Covering should not have defects in the form of hollows, sags, breaches and other damages. It is established that in defiance of the above norms...