The part of a share Dimitri Borisovich Bosov in "Vostokugol" departed to his relatives

@Morskie vesti Rossii
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The part of a share Dimitri Borisovich Bosov in the capital of JSC <1> of "UK Vostokugol" departed to his relatives, SPARK-Interfaks follows from data of analytical system. Changes are registered by data for January 11. Earlier Dimitri Borisovich Bosov belonged 50% of companies. Now on his name 16,67% are registered only. The spouse of the lost businessman, Katerina Dimitri Borisovich Bosov, and also Anton, Artem, Boris, Bella, Lyudmila Bosova received on 5,56% in the "Vostokugol" capital. The remained 50% in the capital of "Vostokugol" are registered on balance of the most companies (data for May 18, 2020). In August, 2020 Arbitration court...