Anfisa Chekhova with a bouquet of roses from the admirer made the statement for changes in private life
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The TV host Anfisa Chekhova does not like to speak about private life and almost never shows the beloved. The other day it made an exception. Recently to the birthday 43-year-old Anfisa Chekhova went to travel to the Emirates. Near it there was her lover Demchenko Edouard. However the leader denies intimacy with it. The leader claims that it simply her best friend. However admirers guessed long ago that Demchenko Edouard – her new beloved. Anyway, Anfisa Chekhova does not hide attention signs from the man and actively website "Instagram" shares news in the. So, recently Anfisa Chekhova flashed...
Anfisa Chekhova
Main activity:Show business personality
Demchenko Edouard
Bablishvili Guram