"The news of media" were introduced by Docsvision 5.5 for optimization of business processes

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Media Zakazchiki:news project (News of media) Moscow; Mass media, TV and broadcasting Podryadchiki:digital of Design (Didzhital Dizayn) Product :D ocsvision (SED/ESM system) project Date: 2020/07 - 2020/12 Technology: EDMS contractors - the 637th projects - 5754 systems - the 669th vendors - 319 Technology: EDMS - Systems of stream recognition contractors - the 325th projects - the 3020th systems - the 178th vendors - 97 2020: Introduction of Docsvision 5.5 Employees of "A news of media" work now with entering, proceeding and internal documents, tasks, local normative documents, contracts and accounts in EDMS on the basis of a platform...