In Jakarta the collection of the Kazakh literature of a name of Abay] is ope

@Delovoj Kazahstan
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The ambassador Kazakhstan Daniyar Kabidollaevich Sarekenov and the deputy director Natsionalnoy of libraries Indonesia Voro Harianti solemnly opened a collection of the Kazakh literature of a name of Abay of Kunanbayula in building National libraries Indonesia. Action took place in honor of 175-year anniversary of the great Kazakh philosopher and the educator. Specially for a collection Vayan Mudana is made by the known baliysky woodcarver a bust of Abay. Highlight of a collection became for the first time translated to the Indonesian language "Edification Words", being one of the brightest works of Abay. The ambassador expressed gratitude...
Daniyar Kabidollaevich Sarekenov
Last position: Plenipotentiary ambassador (Embassy Republics Kazakhstan in Malaysia)