European Court of Human Rights reported that its site underwent cyberattack after the decision on business of the Kurdish politician

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In instance added that "competent services" take necessary measures for elimination of consequences of attack of information agency "ITAR-TASS", on December 23. The site European Court of Human Rights underwent cyberattack after removal on Tuesday of the decision on business of the cochairman of the Turkish pro-Kurdish Peoples' Democratic Party Turkey (PDN) Demirtash Selakhattin. About it it is spoken in the message of legal instance published on Wednesday. "After removal on December 22 decisions on business Demirtash Selakhattin against Turkey the Internet site European Court of Human Rights underwent large-scale cyberattack that made it...
Demirtash Selakhattin
Political ideology:Democratic socialism, political pluralism, libertarian socialism, envayronmentalizm, ecosocialism, secularism, Kurdish regionalism, feminism
Political ideology:Socialism, Kurdish Nationalism, Maoism, Communism, Marxism-Leninism, social democracy, Socialism of 21 centuries.