Exactly the opposite. Doctors told about an abnormal current of Koronavirus

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One their main symptoms of a new illness can unexpectedly prove. Doctors reflected: why temperature so is not stable that rises to a maximum and falls to a minimum - 35 degrees. The Russian experts working with patients with Koronavirus, faced an abnormal course of disease at part of patients: body temperature after small increase sharply goes down. "At some 1,5-2 weeks high temperature. At some other situation: they couple of days potemperaturyat, and then they reduce temperature to 35 degrees and below. That is during the disease, if...
Vladimir Bolibok
Last position: Doctor immunologist-allergist
Natalia Pshenichny
Last position: Deputy director for kliniko-analytical work (Federal state-financed institution of science Central Research Institute Epidemiologii Rospotrebnadzora)
Mason George