Eugenie Malkin: "Alexander Ovechkin – the most recognizable athlete Russian Federation"
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The forward of "Pittsburgh" Eugenie Malkin commented on that fact that the captain of "Washington" Alexander Ovechkin was recognized as the most popular athlete Russian Federation. – Recently on sport TV channel "Match TV" there took place vote on the best athlete. How think, Alexander Ovechkin deservedly won him? For whom you voted? – In general, my name in vote too was. For whom I had to vote? For itself clicked-clicked, it was gathered for three percent. Alexander Ovechkin won therefore everything is deserved. The person won everything in hockey that is possible – both the Stanley Cup, and individual prizes. Really it, I think, the most recognizable...
Alexander Ovechkin
Last position: The captain, the professional Athlete on hockey (Hockey club "Vashington Kepitalz")
Eugenie Malkin
Last position: The professional athlete on hockey (Hockey club "Pittsburg Pingvinz")