Yvan Aleksandrovich Belozertsev did not begin to change cardinally players of Government of the Penza region

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The governor of Penza Region Yvan Aleksandrovich Belozertsev who in September was re-elected for the second term, created Government of the Penza region...
Nicholas Petrovich Simonov
Main activity:Politician
Oleg Yagov
Main activity:Official
Valery Nikolaevich Bespalov
Last position: Acting as Vice-chairman (Government of the Penza region)
Denise Borisovich Bubnov
Last position: Acting as Vice-chairman (Government of the Penza region)
Valery Aleksandrovich Savin
Main activity:Official
Governor apparatus and government region
Government Agency
Department information policy
Government Agency
Administration office civil registration office
Government Agency