The immunologist advised had Koronavirus yogovsky breath

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The immunologist Wladyslaw Zhemchugov advised had Koronavirus to Russians to do yogovsky respiratory gymnastics, transfers Day.Az with reference to periodical e-edition "". The expert explained that after recovery at the patients who have had a virus, such problems, as violations of breath or various damages of the central nervous system quite often can be observed. The doctor emphasized that thanks to yogovsky breath of people can adjust supply of an organism by oxygen on which "all depends". The doctor of medical sciences added that similar respiratory exercises are...
Wladyslaw Zhemchugov
Last position: Immunologist, manager. office of diagnostics and therapy (Limited liability company clinical diagnostic center "Clinical hospital Zdorovya")
Natalia Pshenichny
Last position: Deputy director for kliniko-analytical work (Federal state-financed institution of science Central Research Institute Epidemiologii Rospotrebnadzora)