JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "MANAGEMENT COMPANY TORAHS "KOMSOMOLSK" discussed further development on the Supervisory board ( Khabarovsk territory)

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Meeting of the Supervisory board of the territory of advancing developments "Komsomolsk" took place. At the meeting which has passed under the chairmanship of the acting the governor Khabarovsk Territory of Mikhail Degtyarev and with the participation of director general to JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "KRDV" of Dimitri Tetenkin, discussed the current and perspective development JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "MANAGEMENT COMPANY TORAHS "KOMSOMOLSK", and also plans for involvement of investors. At meeting the director JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "MANAGEMENT COMPANY TORAHS "KHABAROVSK" (a subsidiary of JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "KRDV") Serova Irina reported that today JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "MANAGEMENT COMPANY TORAHS "KOMSOMOLSK" is presented by nine platforms. Main production site...