Magomedov Rachid won Damkovsky Artem the decision of judges

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Magomedov Rachid won Damkovsky Artem the decision of judges On show EXPERT 113 passing in these minutes fight Magomedov Rachid and Damkovsky Artem came to the end. Magomedov Rachid had advantage throughout all fight in a rack, carried out successful teykdany and sent the rival to a knock-down in foot blow. The meeting lasted to the decision of judges and the victory was unanimously given to Magomedov. From other results we will celebrate a victory Khiramagomedov Gadzhimurat over Elías Silverio the decision of judges. Oleg Borisov knocked out Kleverson Silva in the first round. Mistake in the text? Allocate it and press "Ctrl %2B...
Oleg Vladimirovich Borisov
Last position: Judge (Supreme Court of the Russian Federation)
Magomedov Rachid
Khiramagomedov Gadzhimurat
Damkovsky Artem