Prosecutor's office challenged a soft sentence to the ex-head Chelyabinsk Evgeny Teftelev

@Pravda UrFO
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Department demands for the official of 6,5 years of a colony and 75 million rubles of a penalty Prosecutor's office of Chelyabinsk region appealed in court against a sentence to the ex-head Chelyabinsk Evgeny Teftelev, sentenced to 3 years of a colony and a penalty in 37,5 million rubles for receiving Vyatka. In the appeal the prosecutor demands to increase punishment term till 6 years 6 months of imprisonment with a penalty in 75 million rubles (the 30-fold size of a bribe) with deprivation of the right to hold positions in public authorities and local government for a period of up to 10 years. In supervising department considered that court at purpose of punishment not in the full...