The most infectious places and when to wait for the termination of the second wave: everything that is known of Koronavirus by this o'clock

@GTRK "Samara"
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Professor and the virologist FEDERAL STATE-FINANCED INSTITUTION "NITSEM NAMED AFTER N. F. GAMALEI" MINISTRY OF HEALTH OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION, professor Zuev Victor told that the situation with Koronavirus in the country can be stabilized to summer of 2021. "I think that in July there will be considerable improvements. Pnevmotropny viruses are afraid of heat. Decrease in incidence will be promoted also by strengthening of a mask mode and vaccination", - the expert noted. Also according to the expert, the number had Koronavirus and asymptomatic carriers of a virus grows. Thus it is not excluded that the new Koronavirus mutates. "It is contributions to a moneybox of an immune layer which has to reach 60...