The Vologda and Hungarian universities agreed about cooperation

@IA Krasnaja Vesna
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Prospects of interaction of higher education institutions discussed the rector of the Vologda Gosudarstvenny university (VOGU) Priyatelev Vyacheslav and the rector universities in the Hungarian Szeged (Szegedi Tudomanyegyetem) Rovo Laslo, is reported on October 14 on VOGU site. According to a site, to the decision on cooperation administrations of higher education institutions came during the meeting held in a mode of a video conferencing. Cooperation assumes the publication of joint articles, holding seminars and conferences, trips on an exchange of experience and long training of teachers with the scientific and educational purposes, realization of the bilateral...
Priyatelev Vyacheslav
Rovo Laslo
Main activity:Science and education