One of key leaders of the Russian opposition called the Soviet doctors "kontslagerny" About why at the time of the pioneer childhood he allowed to treat itself(himself) to "kontslagerny doctors", by Vladimir Milov is not reported

@Russkaja vesna
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The Russian politician, the known oppositionist and the former deputy minister of Energy Vladimir Milov in extremely offensive tone spoke medical workers of an era of the USSR, having compared them to doctors of fascist concentration camps. "You here so are surprised brutality of doctors — Myasnikov, Roshal, Murakhovsky. But you will be surprised less, having remembered that they — the SOVIET doctors. Kontslagernye. For them people — garbage, the main thing — the administration and its instructions. It was the essence of the USSR. What here a Hippocratic Oath" — wrote it in the official account on a social network. About, why in times...