"Napoli" crushed "Dzhenoa" with the score 6:0 an edition Choice Urgent news

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"Napoli" houses won a devastating victory over "Dzhenoa" (6:0) in a match of the 2nd round of the championship Italy. As a part of owners the double marked out Irving Rodrigue Losano Baena, on time Petr Sebastian Zelinsky, Driss Mertens, Elyif Elmas and Matteo Politano still caused a stir? . Championship Italy. A series A "Napoli's" 2nd round — "Dzhenoa" — 6:0 (1:0) Goals: Irving Rodrigue Losano Baena, 10 (1:0). Petr Sebastian Zelinsky, 46 (2:0). Driss Mertens, 57 (3:0). Irving Rodrigue Losano Baena, 65 (4:0). Elmas, 69 (5:0). Political Autonomous Non-Commercial Organization, 72 (6:0). "Attacked": Will measure, Manolas (Maksimovich, 46), Kulibali, Hyusay, Giovanni Di Lorenzo, Petr Sebastian Zelinsky (Gulyam, 73), Ruiz, Driss Mertens (Lobotka, 66), Insinye (Elmas, 23), Irving Rodrigue Losano Baena (Political Autonomous Non-Commercial Organization, 66), Osimen...
Driss Mertens
Last position: The professional athlete on soccer (Football club "Napoli")
Irving Rodrigue Losano Baena
Last position: The professional athlete on soccer (Football club "PSV")
Pyotr Sebastian Zelinsky
Last position: The professional athlete on soccer (Football club "Napoli")
Giovanni Di Lorenzo
Last position: The professional athlete on soccer (Football club "Napoli")