"Tinkoff" released the first round ATM

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Product Name of basic system (platform): "Cash's" Tinkoff Digital ATM Developers: JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "TINKOFF BANK" Date of a premiere of system: 2020/09/23 Otrasli:finansovye of services, investments and audit the Main statya:bankomaty to Russian Federation 2020: Bullet ATM representation on September 23, 2020 JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "TINKOFF BANK" reported business portal "TAdviser.ru" reported about development and start in operation of model of ATMs under the name "Bullet". The device distinguishes unusual ergonomic design: "Bullet" became the first round ATM to Russian Federation. The design of the ATM is developed by own forces of Tinkoff: the roundish parties which are narrowing up...