Diana Arbenina: presentation of the new book

@Drajv — dvizhenie zhizni
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On November 4 the leader of Night Snipers group on a scene capital STATE BUDGET CULTURAL INSTITUTION OF THE MOSCOW CITY "MDT NAMED AFTER N. V. GOGOLYA" will submit the project "I speak. Readings. " Action is dated for a release of the new book of Diana Arbenina under the name "Snow Leopard". The collection which at the beginning of November lets out publishing house "Bombor", will include Diana Arbenina, verses unpublished earlier and lyrics, and also autobiographical essays. Diana Arbenina will ascend to a scene in the form of a cross, and all of us will become participants of creative Golgotha with own hand created by it. Songs will not be. Guitars too. Only microphone. Only book. Only its voice. And the one who thinks that...