Mass media were reported about a serious illness by Boris Mikhaylovich Moiseev

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New wave-2014. Boris Mikhaylovich Moiseev Sveshnikov Mikhail New wave-2014. Boris Mikhaylovich Moiseev Sveshnikov Mikhail In mass media there were messages on a serious illness of the singer Boris Mikhaylovich Moiseev. It became known that the actor is paralyzed, and his state critical. As the lawyer Pukhova Tamara told newspaper "Sobesednik", Boris Mikhaylovich Moiseev cannot be restored in any way after the stroke had earlier. Because it ceased to give concerts, there were problems with money. By words Pukhova Tamara, the actor spent all accumulation for treatment. "I literally the other day communicated with his close friend. Boris Mikhaylovich Moiseev it is confined to a bed, lies...