Veronica Yanichek — left a post of the Minister of Culture Arkhangelsk Region

@GTRK "Pomor'e"
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it published the message on resignation on the to page in Facebook. Veronica Yanichek headed Ministry cultures Arkhangelsk region since 2015, having replaced on this post Vostryakov Leo. Before Veronica Yanichek directed the Pomor philharmonic hall and musical school the Barents region in Arkhangelsk. Earlier Government of the Arkhangelsk region was left the minister by transports Krivov Vadim, the Minister of Communications Nicholas Petrovich Rodichev, the minister of natural resources and LPK Yerulik Nicholas, the minister of educations Oleg Polukhin. Let's add that after inauguration of the new governor Arkhangelsk Region Alexander Tsybulsky, under the law all. .