Multimedia Arth Museum: 9 exhibitions in September

@AD Magazine
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The Photobiennial-2020 postponed because of quarantine, and the works created for the last some months, as experience of a koronavirusny era. "Flowers to doctors" on September 7 NON-COMMERCIAL HORTICULTURAL ASSOCIATION "SOYUZ ARKHITEKTOROV" on October 18 MAMM, Reikhan Kasimova, his trustee and the co-founder domain ̆ the zones.ART, agency "Pikcher" and the Malevich platform during a mode of self-isolation started a flashmob "Flowers to doctors" (%23tsvetyvracham) NON-COMMERCIAL HORTICULTURAL ASSOCIATION "SOYUZ ARKHITEKTOROV" the action directed on support of doctors ̆. At exhibition it will be possible to see works of the artists who have participated in a flashmob NON-COMMERCIAL HORTICULTURAL ASSOCIATION "SOYUZ ARKHITEKTOROV" it not only masters, but also fans. The exposition included works Kabakov Ilya, Pavel Peppershtein...