The astronaut of National administration office on aeronautics and space research compared landing to Crew Dragon to stay in an animal

@IA Krasnaja Vesna
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The feelings from landing by the new American piloted Crew Dragon spaceship were described by the astronaut of National administration office on aeronautics and space research Robert Louis Benken, on August 4 after return from ISS on the earth. "When we decreased a little bit in the atmosphere, Dragon recovered … the atmosphere started making sounds, you can hear this growl behind a ship board" — Robert Louis Benken shared impressions. And also Robert Louis Benken added that sounds when landing the ship made impression not technogenic, and rather animal sounds. "Sounds of it, I wrote down them, it did not sound as the car, it sounded as the animal going through the atmosphere" — added Robert Louis Benken. Except...
Douglas Gerald Khyorli
Last position: Astronaut (NASA)
Robert Louis Benken
Last position: Astronaut (NASA)
Main activity:Production of cars, equipment and vehicles