Directorate of the federal service for supervision v sfere svyazi, informatsionnykh tekhnology i massovykh kommunikatsy po Tomsk region is held by Management event of systematic supervision in a network the Internet regarding identification of signs of violations of the legislation in the field of personal information
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According to the Plan activity Managements Directorate of the federal service for supervision v sfere svyazi, informatsionnykh tekhnology i massovykh kommunikatsy po Tomsk region for 2020 specialists of Managements during the period held from 14.07.2020 till 16.07.2020 event of systematic supervision in a network the Internet regarding identification of signs of violations of the legislation in the field of personal information. Event of systematic supervision was held concerning the state and municipal authorities. By results of the carried-out assessment of the maintenance of Internet resources of Administration of the October rural settlement, Administration of the rural settlement Bakcharsk, Administrations...