On Lesnoy Avenue the jeep did "additional an entrance" in cafeteria

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In Vyborgsky rayon the cities the driver mixed snackbar with garage. On Wednesday, July 1, on Lesnoy Avenue in Saint Petersburg the car stopped by in the public catering room, having punched a show-window. Eyewitnesses reported Saint Petersburg and state of emergency ". "You not you when it is hungry. Infy as came around, no. On Lesnoy Avenue, at the Vyborg subway car flew in cafes" — the author of the publication Mikhail Pryamak wrote. In comments participants of group wrote that at a wheel cars was the drunk man who hastened to retire from a scene. "The driver drunk escaped" — Sergeeva Catherina wrote...
Sergeeva Catherina
Kudryavtseva Olga
Mazda 6
Manufactured by:Mazda