The police finished investigation of circumstances of death Khrushchev Sergei

@RIA Novosti
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New York, 25 Jun – Federal state unitary enterprise RAMI "RIA Novosti", Bulkaty Alan. The police will not bring to anybody charges in connection with death Khrushchev Sergei, investigation is complete, the head of department of public relations of police department Cranston (State of Rhode Island) the major Todd Patalano declared Federal state unitary enterprise RAMI "RIA Novosti". Before mass media with reference to police State of Rhode Island reported that Khrushchev Sergei died of a gunshot wound in the head. The employee of department of public relations of department of health care State of Rhode Island Joseph Uendelken confirmed Federal state unitary enterprise RAMI "RIA Novosti" that the gunshot wound in the head became a cause of death. Meanwhile...
Khrushchev Sergei
Bulkaty Alan
Denisov Anton
Khrushchev Nikita
Golenko Valentina