How to become the main thing on pablikam Creation pablika with audience in half a million person it is estimated at tens of millions rubles. "The expert the SOUTH" understood how Rostov-on-Don Main"] is arranged\

@Ekspert JuG
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Creation pablika with audience in half a million person is estimated at tens of millions rubles. "The expert the SOUTH" understood how Rostov-on-Don Main" Pablik "Rostov-on-Don Main is arranged "— news Rostov-on-Don" in a network of social network "VKontakte" is the largest city community to Rostov Region. On it more than 515 thousand people are signed. In 2017, according to informal data, it was acquired by LLC "NYUSMEDIA" Gabrelyanov Aram for 12 million rubles. Often publications from pablika become information reason for mass media, and itself "Rostov-on-Don Main" turned into the main supplier of news to inhabitants...