The former head of Department of information technologies of Moscow Artem Yermolaev received a share in service of hire of electroskateboards

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Company Transport Since 2017 Russian Federation Owners: Belozerov Andrey - 6,3% Artem Yermolaev - Soderzhaniyeistoriya's 18,7% 2020: The ex-head of Department of information technologies of Moscow Artem Yermolaev received 18,7% of companies Note "Roundabout" Owners %2B Belozerov Andrey %2B Artem Yermolaev "Roundabout" — service of hire of the vehicles, started in 2017. Initially in rent cars (in 2019 in park more than 600 cars were) were offered. However in the final company decided "to restart service and to open the new directions", having concentrated on services hire...