The police reported Novosibirsk

@RBK Novosibirsk
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Swindlers learned to steal money from bank accounts of Russians, without using personal data of the client and a SMS message To Novosibirsk Region police recorded two cases of frauds according to the new scheme in 2020. So in April because of actions of malefactors at the inhabitant Novosibirsk were stolen money of 130 thousand rubles. And in May of the same year one more man suffered. Its swindlers stole 36 thousand rubles. As reported in Head department of ministry of internal affairs of The Russian Federation on Novosibirsk region, criminals call the potential victim from unknown number, being represented by the employee banks. After person...
Konkov Sergei
Bessonov Eugenie
Main activity:Activity of public associations and international organizations
LLC "Zabota"