Sergei Nikolaevich Ignashevich made the national team of the best partners in team. In total – from TSSKA

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The head coach of "Torpedo" Sergei Nikolaevich Ignashevich called the best partners for the career of the football player. the 40-year-old expert included in structure of the symbolical national team of 11 being and acting players TSSKA. – Make the national team of the best partners in the team/the national team. – Igor Akinfeev, Mario Figeyra Fernandes, Vasilii Berezutsky, Aleksey Berezutsky, Pontus Anders Mikael Wernbloom, Zoran Toshich, Rasmus Elm, Youri Zhirkov, Ivitsa Olich, to Dumbiya's Seydu Dumbiya, Wagner Love. Sergei Nikolaevich Ignashevich played for TSSKA from 2004 to 2018. Earlier it also protected colors of "Locomotive", "Krylja Sovetov" and "Work Banner". As a part of the national team the ex-defender hammered Russia...