The staff on protection of the population Abkhazia from Koronavirus] is create

@Nuzhnaja gazeta
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The acting as President of the Republic of Abkhazia Valery Ramshukhovich Bganba signed the Order about creation of the Coordination staff on protection of the population of Abkhazia from Koronavirus, caused 2019-nCoV, Abkhazia is reported on a site of the president. In the text of the document it is spoken: "For development and acceptances of additional measures for protection of the population of Abkhazia from Koronavirus, caused 2019-nCoV to create the Coordination staff in the following structure: Valery Ramshukhovich Bganba – the acting President of the Republic of Abkhazia (the chairman of the Coordination staff); Agrba A.N. – the General prosecutor...