Andrienko Anton. Pattern

@Muzei Rossii
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from March 6 to March 29 Within "Fotobiyennale-2020" of Multimedia Arth Museum, Moscow and School Andrienko Anton "Pattern" present to Rodchenko (ShR) exhibition. Exhibition continues the long-term program "ShR in MAMM" which allows visitors museums to get acquainted with artists of whom School and museum are proud already today and which will define an art landscape of the next years. The project Andrienko Anton is devoted to research of a phenomenon of a pattern - systematically repeating scheme or an image in which there is each of us. Natural, social and cultural patterns design ours...
Valery Nistratov
Main activity:Field expert
Andrienko Anton
Kurekhin Sergei
Lavrova Maria
Галерея «Электрозавод»
Main activity:Culture and sports